A privilege to serve
in the Bolivia La Paz Mission

Some of the Chosen

Missionaries’ favorite

A history beyond compare.

“Go forth and serve.”


It's been 40 years since most of us were in the Bolivia Laz Mission with President and Sister Hill and their family.  It's probably been 40 years since we've been able to come together and celebrate that special time in our lives when we served our brothers and sisters on our missions.

Latest Updates

REUNION DATE:  JUNE 15-16, 2018
2188 East 100 South, Spanish Fork, Utah
June 15th (5pm-9pm) Stake Center open – informal visits, see displays. No formal program.
June 16th 9am-10am Breakfast / 10am Program / Noon Lunch / Afternoon continue visiting.

Continue to check this website and Facebook for updates.  Steve Hill has so generously worked hard to put together a Facebook page for this event.  (You'll need to sign-into Facebook to see the "group" posts.) Lots of fun pictures!

See you in June and be sure to bring your favorite memories!  Wishing you each the very best.  We're so grateful for your service then and now.